Worldwide Game Day Kits

Worldwide Game Day Promotional Kit
Item Code:    n/a
  Information Packet (5 stapled pages)
  Promo miniaure notification
  Flier (100)
  Button (3)
  Poster (2)
  Vinyl banner
Worldwide Game Day Kit
Item Code:    n/a
  Information Packet (12 stapled pages)
  Lair of the Mad Alchemist (8-page book) (3)
  The Forgotten Forge (12-page book) (3)
  Character Sheets: Instructions  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  (3 each)
  Terrain Tiles: 1  |  2  (3 each)
  Mechanical pencil (20)
  20-sided die (20)
  Mountain Orc (pre-painted plastic mini w/card) (20)
  Miniatures Set (7 pre-painted plastic minis w/cards) (3)

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